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Elias Smolcic-Larson

Elias is passionate about environmental awareness. He is inspired by those who have changed people's lives in a positive way, and seeks to do so as well. Some words that he finds inspirational are: The mighty oak was once a little nut that stood its ground.


Sunrise or Sunset

Elias Smolcic-Larson


With some good old soul sung by Mary J Blidge in the background, my calico cat by my side with a late spring thunderstorm that is thinking of developing outside, life back in small town USA is treating me well. With work in landscaping/agriculture/a new invention which I cannot tell much more to the public...

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It’s Good to be Home

Elias Smolcic-Larson


On a recent day June, I found myself right back in the place I had missed so much, in the kitchen of my house here in my small town in South Central Pennsylvania, having recently returned from a long day of mowing. I reflect how wonderful it is to be back in the place that...

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It Often Rains In November

Elias Smolcic-Larson


The rainy season is now officially underway and for the last several weeks all across thesierrathe water is falling. Since the rains have begun to fall in droves on almost a daily basis, I occasionally wonder how our little community Chunazana, located in the heart of Nabon valley in the southeastern end of Azuay province...

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Born Again

Elias Smolcic-Larson


With a fresh pile of trash (no plastic, hopefully) burning out by the kitchen, I sit here, reflecting more than writing, mentally digesting some the dreams I have had over the last 19 years. Now, you may ask me if I have found God in the Andes or if I have been doing yoga every...

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No, Americans Don’t Have All The Answers

Elias Smolcic-Larson


I have now been in my community for more than a month and I am still searching for a place in an area not used to seeing many foreigners. I continue struggling to make new friends my age (I am experiencing a similar situation that Sara, a team leader, experienced in her time doing research...

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Autumn and Spring.

Elias Smolcic-Larson


As I sit here, with my mouth still hurting after having my four wisdom teeth removed I now know it is time. At the beginning of summer, I thought for sure this summer would last. In early June when I was making my appointments in preparation to depart for Ecuador the entire summer loomed ahead,...

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