El Amor de Mi Madre Zuleteña – My Zuleteña Mother’s Love

A veces me gusta pensar que el amor de mi madre zuleteña es como el viento, no puedo verlo pero lo puedo sentir dentro de mi corazón. Su amor por mí es puro, tierno y un gran recuerdo que siempre cargaré conmigo durante toda mi vida. Tengo que admitir que al principio tenía mucho miedo de acercarme y querer a mi madre zuleteña de la misma manera que ella me quiere a mí porque sentía que el día que llegara nuestra despedida los dos quedaríamos con tanta tristeza y con el corazón roto. Lo que he aprendido de estar tan cerca de mi madre zuleteña es que nada bueno dura toda la vida, tenemos que aprender a valorar lo que tenemos en frente de nosotros y hacer lo mejor de cada situación porque el tiempo corre muy rápido. Mi madre me ha demostrado un amor como el de mi propia madre, con ella aprendí a ser honesto y querer a ella como si fuera la persona que me haiga dado la vida. Doña Margarita me ha dado todo su apoyo y atención, más que yo esperaba tener durante mi tiempo en Zuleta. Doña Margarita ha llenado un vacío en mi corazón y cuando yo sienta esas cosas como amor, tranquilidad, apoyo y cariño yo siempre recordaré a mi segunda madre. Podremos estar lejos en distancia pero sé que estaremos cerca en el corazón.


Sometimes I like to think that my host mother’s love for me is like the wind: I cannot see it, but I can feel it in my heart. Her love for me is pure, warm and kind. Something that forever will stay true in my heart and I will carry it with me throughout my life. I have to admit, at first I was afraid of getting close to my mother and feel the same love she feels for me. I guess I kept thinking about when that day would come when we had to say our good bye and we both would be torn and have all this sadness inside of us when we would be apart. Something that I have learned from being with my host mother is that nothing good last a lifetime. I have understood that the best thing to do is just take advantage of the time that I have with my family and make the best of things. Life goes on even if it hurts to leave the people we love. This experience with my family is just another step towards success. A very special and important thing about my host mother, Doña Margarita, is that she was able to win over my friendship and love from the beginning and that brought us both much closer. My host mother has given me all her support with my work and she has turned out to be a thoughtful friend for me, more than I could have hoped she would be when I first moved in with her and her family. I know that time goes fast and all I will have of my mother and her family are all these precious memories that will be with me where ever I go. Although it may be hard to let go of my host mother I know that when I feel those things that she gave me such as her love, support and friendship I will be thinking of my Zuleteña mother.