Just my sprinkle of Senegal – Capstone’18

Capstone video link:[vc_video link=’ https://vimeo.com/271275436′]


I made a video for my capstone as my way of storytelling, because I thought that in that way I could more easily express what my 7-month experience was like.

I was collecting footage since we got to Senegal, but not necessarily with the intention of making this capstone video, but more as a way of keeping a souvenir of my experience, and Senegal for me in general. 


Coming home a lot of people had questions about my time in Senegal and what it was like and how different it must have been.  And that was one of the main reasons I decided to do a showing of my video because I think just posting the video would not have done the experience justice nor can it fully incorporate all aspects of Senegal and what it was like for me. This comes from the fact that people also expected it to be so different and hard. But I think we often times neglect to believe that “we have more in common than that which divides us.” And that is not ignoring the fact that it was obviously different, because it is a different country and a different culture. But I think it’s still important to have a conversation and inform people, and so I believe a combination of watching a video and some photos but also having an open discussion can and hopefully does spark a difference in their view regarding the stereotypes and prejudices about Senegal.


Furthermore, just doing this capstone also helped me to reflect more upon my experience and made me start thinking more deeply about how I want to share it, what I want to share and with whom I want to share. And I think that helped to foster a stronger sense of self-awareness when it comes to sharing my experience and my responsibility to do it right. Whatever that may be and the fact that that may change depending on whom I am talking to.


And I don’t want to ignore the fact in saying that it is hard. It is hard to share your experience, it is hard to find the ‘right’ way to do it, and it sometimes is hard to retell it.  Nevertheless, I am very grateful even to have the option of sharing such an experience, and we shouldn’t take that for granted.