The Beginning

Hello, my name is Eustacia Meyer, but most people call me Staci. I was born in Iowa and have lived in Ohio for most of my life. I have never really had the chance to leave the Midwest, so taking a bridge year in a foreign country was a shock to most of my family. I recently graduated from the Linworth Alternative Program, a school that encourages experiential learning, in other words, getting out of the classroom and into the real world. I found my way to Global Citizen Year through an alumni of Global Citizen Year and Linworth. Gracie Bachmann came back to Linworth to share about her adventures in Senegal and I fell in love. This program sounded like the prefect thing for me – off the beaten path, the chance to explore a new place, and the opportunity to help people.

I thought that Global Citizen Year was this big massive idea, just kind of sitting in the middle of an ocean with no way for me to reach it. But as my senior year went on and I started the application process, the idea seemed to get closer and closer, until I was able to touch it. Now I am part of this amazing journey and can’t wait to see where the tide takes me.