
        Senegalese Transportation 
In this blog you will see pictures of the different means of transportation along with personal experienced situations since my time here in Senegal. 
– Vehicles continue moving when turned off
– Doors open sometimes while the vehicle is in motion
– Doors close with rope, etc..
– The vehicle remains started while pumping gasoline 
– Speedometer doesn't work
– Mileage doesn't work 
– Gas reader doesn't work 
– Air doesn't work 
– Sometimes as a passenger you're able to see inside the hood from inside the vehicle 
– Sometimes you can see the ground beneath while inside the vehicle 
– Goats/chickens/sheep are passengers as well
– Some vehicles have no side rear view mirrors 
– Some vehicles stop every 10-15 minutes to fix something under the hood
– Sometimes there are no windows or they don't work.
– I've seen someone start the vehicle from underneath the hood 
– Transportation is overcrowded
– I've been in & seen car accidents
– One time while at the gas station the driver asked me to hold the break while I was in the front seat. 
– Dirt roads or paved roads with many holes 
– Drivers will do whatever to keep moving. 
– Two other transportation options are by Horse or Donkey.
Despite many of these challenges and setbacks and times I've felt being inside a Flinstone Car, I at times truly believe that Senegal has some of the best drivers around. Some things I see or witness or as I'm a part of I just wonder how they do it and how the vehicles still operate.