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Chan Mi Joo

Chan Mi loves to draw, sing, and learn about the human body. As the former president and vice president of a variety of health and community-service based organizations around her school and community, Chan Mi has gained a variety of skills both as a leader and a peer. She plans to become a missionary surgeon who works in underserved countries of the world. Chan Mi truly hopes that her year in Ecuador will strengthen her convictions to follow this dream as well as teach her about the diligence, kindness, passions, weaknesses, strengths, and diversity of the people and cultures of the world.



Chan Mi Joo


This was the response I usually got when a Global Citizen Year Fellow of mine found out about my ethnicity: “You’re Korean?! Oh my gosh, I love bibimbap!” “Bibimbap?” I would respond. “Yeah! Bibimbap!” Bibimbap is a Korean dish well-known for its symphony of flavors. It is made with rice, a variety of Korean side-dishes...

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Quito, Ecuador: The Beginning

Chan Mi Joo


The sun gently caressed my face. The dogs nearby began to bark in unison. I got up out of my bed, dazed, and opened the curtain in front of my window. I was suddenly blinded by the intense light and then I saw it… Quito! Ecuador! I was finally here! After months of fundraising for my summer campaign, after...

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I am Chan Mi, an exotic pizza!

Chan Mi Joo


I am not your typical pizza. In fact, you may find my combination of ingredients to be strange, exotic, or just plain ol’ different. Let me explain: Seoul of South Korea. Nairobi of Kenya. Rhode Island, California, and Alaska of America. All these locational ingredients have each left unique and strong impacts on my life: Step 1: Pizza dough that...

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